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Adrift in the Cemetery by Martin Campbell

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 “an absorbing read” – THE HERALD

Davie Perdue was a cop. Now he is homeless, by choice, living in limbo in one of the largest cemeteries in Europe. Davie’s not a missing person, because nobody is looking for him in the London that he’s left or in his Scottish home town where he’s hiding.

When someone goes into the cemetery alive and comes out dead, Davie becomes a person of interest.

The cemetery used to be a place where families got lost looking for grandad’s grave. Now it’s a quiet place for drug deals and murders.

Davie was a cop for long enough to know what’s right and what’s wrong. But Davie and the real cops are not the only people patrolling, trying to prevent crime.

When life and death in the cemetery get confused, Davie is forced to decide whether to step back into the light or keep his life on hold.

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